#asae10 Remember Twitter is About Listening Too…


I’ve written before about how blogging has become more of my thing at conference (#6) as of late.

For me I seem to get a lot more out of the process of live-blogging than I do tweeting a session. Not to say that Twitter isn’t valuable and that I haven’t gotten a lot out of the use of Twitter at conference, because I have. Most definitely.

My problem this year is that everyone just seems to be talking AT everyone most of the time. There are very few actual conversations taking place anymore. My mentions column used to be as active as the main stream sometimes. We’ve all just become broadcasters of information and, honestly, that’s not helpful to anyone.

The beauty of Twitter is in the conversations. How crummy is it to ask a question and not receive a response? Most of us are so wrapped up in what we’re doing that we don’t take the time to reach out to others anymore. Twitter has finally hit that point where it’s less about the collective community and more about the individual. This makes me sad.

So what am I doing about this? Well I’ve committed to try and answer every question I can that is posted to the #asae10 stream. I started doing that today because I saw many questions floating by without an answer, and, at least in my world, that IS the job of the community on Twitter. We’re here to create an experience together. To connect beyond text and make lasting relationships. In fact most of the individuals I’ve spent my time with so far I met on Twitter originally and am grateful for every single one of them.

I’m taking it old school and relying on my listening & responding skills to participate in #asae10 (minus the Foursquare checkins of course….).

Will you join me?

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