Note to Self: Not everything is common knowledge


I consider myself pretty tech savvy and have many colleagues that I associate who I think are more tech savvy than I. When I saw this Mashable post about how to block Farmville, I thought that was a little basic of a topic for them to be covering. That’s why I was shocked by the response I received about a measly little tweet I sent out on my work account:

I very quickly received multiple RT’s & responses from individuals thanking me for this. Not to sound arrogant, but I had assumed this was common knowledge and tweeted it out on my work account b/c some of the PAs I connect with are a little newer to the social media world. To my surprise I found some seasoned social media vets thanking me for the post as well.

So a little social media egg on my face for assuming something may not be as valuable. With so many different networks to connect on with so many different options, it’s eye opening to remember that one person’s experience is different from another’s.

Any newbie tips you later found out weren’t so common knowledge?